Jireh Africa Missions (JAM)

Jireh Africa Missions (JAM)


What We have  Accomplished

BoreHole no. 50 in Nabiweeke Village Wakiso District
BoreHole no. 50 in Nabiweeke Village Wakiso District

Borehole Number50 On 17th/Feb/2023

Pastor Nkuusi Christopher dedicated well #50. In Nabiweeke village Wakiso district. Special thanks to the New Life friends church and Ronald F Webb.   

Dedication of Well Number 49
Dedication of Well Number 49


Well number 49. In Kasoozi village. Wakiso district. This well was opened and dedicated on 23rd /November 2022. 

Mende-Kakunyu Village Well number #48
Mende-Kakunyu Village Well number #48

 New Well! Number 48. May 2022

  #Project48 Kanoni village.  

“Access to clean water,Increases School Attendance,Children are able to attend school and receive a proper education when they are no longer obligated to fetch water during the day.

Kabuuye Village Well #47
Kabuuye Village Well #47

Well Number47 in Kabuuye Village

 Well 47 has been installed and Dedicated. Special thanks to Ed and Gloria Parke, who funded the project through New Life Friends church who made it possible.

The people of Kabuuye Village Butambala Gomba district were filled with joy and happiness for having got this well and now they are able to access clean and safe water.   

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